Knowing Judy

Pat and Judy in Maine
Pat and Judy in Maine

I am Judy’s cousin. My dad Frank was her mom Ida’s brother.  In the early 90’s we visited Judy and shared a family album with a few pictures of Ida on the farm in Kearney, NE. Judy wanted to know all about her mom- what my dad and she did together. My dad told stories of taking Ida to a barn dance on the buck board horse carriage. Judy recorded these conversations on tape and camera. I remember her mom faintly, as I was only six.  We played together a lot when we were little and then grew apart, her being in New York and me in California, but we kept in contact through family gatherings.  Her dad ‘Blais’ was very witty and it was a big deal when he came to visit.  I am still very saddened about her death; can’t seem to accept the fact she is gone; every day I think about her. I am so glad I got to visit her in October of 2017, before we knew of the dreaded disease.  She was blessed with a wonderful husband, Gil, great kids, Jenna and Aaron, and a grand-daughter she admired and had so much fun with.

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