Short But Sweet

Ken and I were fortunate to meet and get to know Judy through our children. We live in San Diego so the times we had together were visits and each one fairly brief.  BUT, they were long enough and eventful enough that we felt as though we got to know who she was and what she truly loved. She loved her children and Gil.  She loved play acting and enjoyed trying to get parts in movies.  She loved the outdoors and, especially, watching birds.  She loved her times in Maine.  She loved traveling, when she and Gil could manage to get away.  She was a wonderful host.  We celebrated one Thanksgiving together at their home that was delicious, as well as, having a warm family feel about it.  She was always a happy, positive person.  We were lucky to have known her and the wonderful memory of her still lives within us.

– Maile and Ken Busby

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