
Judy was a delightful person and I am so happy that she was my friend.  We met at a La Leche meeting in 1972 when our  babies were just beginning.   We  enjoyed each other’s company and were delighted to have a friend who also had a little girl.

We were friends for a few years even with all our moves. During this time we
kept up by writing letters and exchanging Xmas cards.   We had the pleasure of
visiting Judy and Gil a few years ago with our now grown daughters,  Anne and Sarah.  Sarah and Jenna were friends and delighted in playing with each other. We were so glad to have them play and to enjoy each other’s company.

I loved to spent time with Judy and she was so enjoyable to be around.

– Celia and Charles Evans

Chestnut-Sided Warbler

chestnut-sided warbler

On Mother’s Day in the misty afternoon weather I cleaned up the little flower bed near the cabin. Mom and I had planted this small corner two years prior with iris, astilbe, and other flowers she had brought up from her garden. There was a light rain. The birds were subdued, waiting for a break. I chose this spot to bury her ashes on the following day with Dad and Aaron. It seemed like a good location, next to the cabin. A social location, so that I could walk by and say “Hi Mom.”

I pulled away the decomposing fall leaves from each plant. The smell of leaf mold tickled my nose. I could hear Mom’s voice “The best compost, Jenna. Leave it.” and so I did. I added some tiny pansies and an appropriately named ‘Gartenmeister’ fuchsia to join the old guard iris. I rearranged the rock border and scrubbed the marble memorial marker free of long-winter wear and tear.

As I finished my tasks, I looked up to see a chestnut-sided warbler staring down at me from a thin branch above the site. I stood up slowly. The little blond-headed bird looked at me and hopped further down the branch. It was within arms reach now. “Hi, Mom” I whispered. The bird cocked its head. We regarded each other, silently, for a time. And then she flew lightly into the woods.